M13 • Screen memories: a true story of reel time
23/04/2017 19:44 Indexed under: Foreword | www.daniela-berndt.tld

Welcome to v2.0/2017*
…of this matrix-based publication agenda, which provides an inventory of all specifications modules of my NetPlusUltra®-sustained concept presentation, in the form of a conceptual pathway.Each module (M) is presented in a separate entry, of which the numbered title provides a brief description. The visible summary section of any blog post contains both an interactive image of the website’s homepage, which redirects to the latter, and a brief comment on the entry’s date, which, depending on the underlying production mode, will refer either to the date of launch of the problem-solving process at hand, or to the date of publication of the corresponding web content.
The categories enable to explore the modules by theme-related timelines, depending on whether they address an issue pertaining to the personal dimension (Netfolio), to the professional dimension (Profolio, Specsfolio), or to both (Webfolio). As opposed to the date of a specific post (which serves to automatically compile the blog’s archives), the year-published category provides additional information on the date of publication of each module, whereas the domain names refer either to my author name (daniela-berndt), or to the name of my web service in development (net-plus-ultra).
The tags provide for an exploration of my concept presentation in the form of an alphabet book, of which each term constitutes a new metalogical throughcut.
*v1.0/2014 of the present website was initially published on 2014-10-12.
The categories enable to explore the modules by theme-related timelines, depending on whether they address an issue pertaining to the personal dimension (Netfolio), to the professional dimension (Profolio, Specsfolio), or to both (Webfolio). As opposed to the date of a specific post (which serves to automatically compile the blog’s archives), the year-published category provides additional information on the date of publication of each module, whereas the domain names refer either to my author name (daniela-berndt), or to the name of my web service in development (net-plus-ultra).
The tags provide for an exploration of my concept presentation in the form of an alphabet book, of which each term constitutes a new metalogical throughcut.
Module 1 • Module 29*v1.0/2014 of the present website was initially published on 2014-10-12.