Metafolio v3.9.7/2024

Welcome to v2.0/2017 of this Newsfolio

This new version proposes a draft resolution of the issue raised on the « Copyright » page of my Lifefolio, in the form of a conceptual selection of citations pertaining to specific news items compiled into an author’s RSS dashboard of news feeds, or Newsfolio.

The citation format which I am suggesting here is perfectly compatible with the standard « native » format of any blog page:

  • The title of each entry is like the ‘Subject’ field in an email: the opportunity for the author to provide a short description of the message (s)he intends to address to his/her audience.

  • The 'summary' section of the blog article (above the customizable 'Continue reading' button) contains the title of the cited content, followed by an excerpt citation of the latter, preceded or not by a comment from the author of the Newsfolio.

  • Considering that the present example showcases a news watch logbook aiming at providing an enlarged contextual vision of the author’s solution in development, by inviting the target audience to explore subject-matter related contents from various sources compiled into thematic timelines (categories and tags), each excerpt integrated here corresponds to the introductory phrase or paragraph of the cited content.

  • Next comes the separation line between the message of the author of the Newsfolio, and the story of the cited author, namely: the familiar 'Continue reading' button which, in the present case, enables to display the full URL of the cited source, whereby the latter is also displayed in the tags cloud.

  • The said button could further be enhanced with a password protection scheme, which - should I decide to activate the latter, as the author of the Newsfolio, - would force me to place the entirety of the citation (URL included) either above the button limit, in the article’s summary section, or below that limit, in the password-restricted body area.

Depending on the few possible scenarios, it would be interesting for the author of such a logbook to have at his/her disposal a corresponding amount of standard citation formats, so as to be enabled to aggregate news watch feeds with as much simplicity as it is to send emails.

Daniela BERNDT